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Space Syntax Analysis: The Value and Formation of Urban Centres

Sustainability Issue 2
Potential Users: Urban Design Professionals

When to use:Stage One of the Urban Design Decision-Making Process

Related Tools: Bibliographic Review;
Case Studies: Generation of Land Use Diversity; Diversity and the Decision-Making Process; Land and Economic Use Survey and Impact Tools; Space Syntax Analysis: The Relationship Between Street Layout and Residential Property Value; Spatial Data Analysis; Understanding Business and Resident Values
For more information, contact Bill Hillier.

This detailed presentation looks into the Space Syntax Theory of Centre Formation, examining the formation of city centres. The presentation outlines centre expansion and variety, and compares different high streets using graphical representation and statistical analysis. The difference between centres and their contexts is measured and explored, along with high street vitality. City centres are found to be spatially distinguishable from non-centres in many ways.

ToolsHouseClick here to access the Space Syntax Analysis presentation (pdf document, 2878kb)




These methods were developed as part of the project i-VALUL (The Intangible Value of Urban Layout), which focuses on building sustainable communities in the South East. It is funded by the UCL-led UrbanBuzz Programme, knowledge exchange programme, within which UEL is a prime partner.


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